Distâncias marítimas
The distance between the ports of Lisbon and Funchal is generally estimated at 520 nautical miles.
The place on the African coast closest to Madeira is Cabo Cantim, with a distance of 350 nautical miles separating these two points.
The stretch of sea that separates the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo, known as Travessa, has a length of 21 and a half miles, between Ilhéu de Fora (Ponta de São Lourenço) and Ilhéu de Baixo (Porto Santo). The distance between the port of the city of Funchal and the port of the town of Porto Santo is approximately 41 miles.
Referring especially to a table organized by the merchant navy officer Afonso Coelho, we will provide an overview of the approximate distances between the various ports of this archipelago, with the numbers expressing the number of miles and their decimal fractions:
Origin Port | Destination Port | Distance, miles |
Funchal | Câmara de Lobos | 4.0 |
Câmara de Lobos | Campanario | 3.0 |
Campanário | Ribeira Brava | 1.7 |
Ribeira Brava | Ponta do Sol | 2.1 |
Ponta do Sol | Fajã do Mar | 2.4 |
Fajã do Mar | Calheta | 2.3 |
Calheta | Jardim do Mar | 2.1 |
Jardim do Mar | Paul do Mar | 1.2 |
Paul | Pesqueiro | 2.3 |
Pesqueiro | Ponta do Pargo | 0.7 |
Ponta do Pargo | Porto do Moniz | 7.5 |
Porto do Moniz | Seixal | 4.0 |
Seixal | S. Vicente | 3.0 |
S. Vicente | Ponta Delgada | 3.6 |
Ponta Delgada | São Jorge | 4.0 |
São Jorge | Faial | 3.2 |
Faial | Porto da Cruz | 2.5 |
Porto da Cruz | Ponta de São Lourenço | 9.3 |
Ponta de São Lourenço | Caniçal | 4.0 |
Caniçal | Machico | 1.6 |
Machico | Santa Cruz | 4.3 |
Santa Cruz | Porto Novo | 2.0 |
Porto Novo | Funchal | 5.9 |
Funchal | Garajau | 2.9 |
Garajau | Ponta da Oliveira | 1.1 |
Ponta da Oliveira | Ilhéu de Fora | 10.6 |
Ilhéu de Fora | Ilhéu de Baixo | 4.3 |
Ilhéu de Baixo | Porto Santo | 21.5 |
Funchal | Deserta Grande | 21.5 |
Funchal | Ilhéu Chão | 19.0 |