
Costa (Daniel da)

Speaking of the Bishop of Funchal, D. Luiz Figueiredo de Lemos, Gaspar Frutuoso says:

“From his illustrious lineage, I will point out a chapter, which was later composed by the most learned Doctor Daniel da Costa, Physician to His Majesty, a noble person of great learning and virtues, residing in the city of Funchal, to further clarify the nobility, life, virtues, and customs of the same Lord.” Barbosa Machado says that the cited writing was entitled Contra ponto, or Life of the VII Bishop of Funchal, and was included in the History of the Islands.

Costa (D. Rodrigo da). His appointment as governor and captain-general of this archipelago dates back to December 2, 1689, and he took office on October 20, 1690.

In 1702, he was appointed governor of Bahia, and in 1707, viceroy of India. He was the son of the Count of Soure and died in 1722.

People mentioned in this article

D. Luiz Figueiredo de Lemos
Bishop of Funchal
D. Rodrigo da Costa
Governor and captain-general of the archipelago
Daniel da Costa
Physician to His Majesty, residing in the city of Funchal

Years mentioned in this article

Year of D. Rodrigo da Costa's appointment as governor and captain-general of the archipelago
Year of D. Rodrigo da Costa's assumption of office as governor and captain-general of the archipelago
Year of D. Rodrigo da Costa's appointment as governor of Bahia
Year of D. Rodrigo da Costa's appointment as viceroy of India
Year of D. Rodrigo da Costa's death

Locations mentioned in this article

City where Daniel da Costa resided